Bioprocess Monitoring, Control and Data Management Software SHIVA
A. Podgomik*, R. Štravs*, P. Koselj*, D. Leštan** and P. Raspor***
*BIA Ltd., Teslova 30, 61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia
**University of Ljubljana, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Hajdrihova 19, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
***University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Te:hnology Department, Chair of Biotechnology, Jamnikarjeva 101, 61.000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Article history:
Received October 18, 1994
Accepted December 22, 1994
Monitoring, control and data management are very important parts of every process. For this purpose, especially when a lot of data has to be collected and processed, the computer is a necessity. For all important biotechnological processes the development of an user-friendly software appears to be necessary due to lack of such specialised programs on the market. Because of the availability, personal computer platform was chosen. Program package is divided in two parts named SHIVA I and SHIVA II. SHIVA I can be used for control of bioprocess and offers measurement and regulation of biotechnological variables (T, pH, dissolved oxygen,...), alarms, graphic presentation, bioprocess documentation, data interchange, etc. SHIVA II is designed for management and analysis of dala acquired in bioprocess experiments: curve fitting and interpolation, parameter optimisation, calculations on data scries, derivation and integration, simulation and filling of mathematical models. It runs under DOS, Windows and OS/2 environment with latter two enabling multitasking. SHIVA package therefore enables user assistance with his experiments on two levels: firstly by monitoring and control of bioprocess and secondly by analysing acquired data and planning future experiments.
*Corresponding author: P. Raspor