Optimisation of Composition of Media for the Production of Amylolytic Enzymes by Thermomyces lanuginosus ATCC 34626
Quang D. Nguyen, Judit M. Rezessy-Szabó and Ágoston Hoschke*
Szent István University, Department of Brewing and Distilling Ménesi út 45., H-1118 Budapest, Hungary
Article history:
Received January 26, 2000
Accepted May 17, 2000
Key words:
Thermomyces lanuginosus, glucoamylase, α-amylase, fermentation, Response Surface Method (RSM)
The composition of media for the production of amylolytic enzymes by Thermomyces lanuginosus was optimised in different ways. Effects of various carbon and nitrogen sources were investigated. Thermomyces lanuginosus grown on starch, maltodextrin, dextrin, maltose, amylopectin, glucose and dextran substrates showed good α-amylase (92–125 U/mL) and glucoamylase (6–13 U/mL) activities. Among the tested nitrogen sources L-asparagine was the best one. The optimum pH of fermentation medium was found and fixed to 4.9 by using 100 mM citrate buffer for the production of amylolytic enzymes. Response Surface Method (RSM) was applied for searching the optimum concentration of components of media for amylolytic enzyme production. A second-order polynomial model was fitted at significance level 95 % (P<0.05) for both α-amylase and glucoamylase. The developed composition of media was checked in respect of the production of amylolytic enzymes. The concentration of L-asparagine was adjusted to 0.75 %. The concentration of starch was set at 6.5 % for α-amylase and 2 % for glucoamylase.
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