Introduction to the Theoretical Fundamentals for Increasing the Probability of Heterologous Contacts between Biological Particles
Marijan Bošnjak* and Stjepan Bogdan**
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Pierottijeva 6, P.O.B. 625, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Article history:
Received December 19, 2000
Accepted June 20, 2001
Key words:
bioparticle contact probability, recombinations, morphology effects, mathematical analysis, kinetics, computer simulation, batch and continuous culture
An introduction to the theoretical fundamentals referring to the contacts appearing between biological particles is given. Factors affecting the probable frequency of different contacts were analysed with reference to their effects on possible heterologous recombinations which could lead to the appearance and the growth of microbial cells having new properties and being capable to produce new biologically active compounds. Effects of the differences in bioparticle morphology and cultivation methods are discussed. Kinetics of the process events in hypothetical mixed culture of the two parent microbial strains were studied applying computer simulation. This was performed on the basis of mathematical model developed for such a purpose. Results of computer simulation suggest that the applied mathematical model appears to be the adequate one for explaining the growth kinetics of a new strain and its parent strains. The kinetics of other events can also be well explained. In discussing the relevance of particular parameters a special emphasis was given to the biological character of microbial cells. The ability of microbial cells to adapt their properties and behaviour in accordance to the properties of their environment is a factor of essential importance.
** Hobby participation; permanent employment address: PLIVA d.d., Prilaz baruna Filipovića 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia