Evaluation of Streptomyces as a Probiotic Feed for the Growth of Ornamental Fish Xiphophorus helleri
Selvakumar Dharmaraj* and Kandasamy Dhevendaran
Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Trivandrum 695 581, Kerala, India
Article history:
Received February 15, 2010
Accepted May 3, 2010
Key words:
probiotics, Actinobacteria, Streptomyces, ornamental fish Xiphophorus helleri
The potential of Streptomyces as a probiotic feed for the growth of ornamental fish Xiphophorus helleri has been investigated. The Streptomyces strains used as probiotics were isolated from the marine sponges, namely Callyspongia diffusa, Mycale mytilorum, Tedania anhelans and Dysidea fragilis. Seven probiotic feeds were prepared and their effects were compared with those of control diet containing no probiotics. After 50 days of feeding trials, the growth parameters, namely absolute growth rate, specific growth rate, relative growth rate and feed conversion efficiency were found to be significantly (p<0.05) higher in groups that received probiotic feed additive than in the control, whereas feed conversion ratio was lower. The fish fed with probiotic feed showed significant improvement in length than the fish fed with control feed. Thus it was found that in addition to being effective antibiotic agents against harmful pathogens, Streptomyces could also promote the growth of fish effectively. Marine Actinobacteria, particularly Streptomyces, could thus be a promising probiotic in aquaculture.
*Corresponding author:
++91 96269 49380